Olga, 66 years old, is married to Filomeno who is 62 years old, and they have 4 children living with them in their own house located in the district of Pichari. Olga is a mother with 4 children and day by day she puts forth effort in order for her sons to later become good men. She works growing cocoa and bananas in a plot located in the community of San Martín. She has been doing this work for more than 25 years together with her dear husband, her faithful companion who from the beginning was the manager of all the crops.
In order to achieve all this they had to go through many difficulties. One of them was the changing weather that damaged the plants as well as the theft of their cocoa plants. But even so they continue with much eagerness to achieve what they now have.
She usually works together with her husband but during harvesting season they always need some laborers so they can help to harvest the crops. She is happy with the work she does and she is grateful to MFP, for the ease of getting credit because without it she could not have successfully paid the laborer who planted the plants that they have now.
This is the way that Olga tries to get ahead by supporting the wellbeing of her children. This is her second loan through MFP, and she promises once again to make her payments on time. She is happy with the communal bank because they are supportive. With the 2,000 soles, she will be able to weed the cocoa crops by contracting laborers.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Gail LeGrand. View original language description.