A loan helped a member to buy more stocks of food so that she can sell to more people.

Breakthrough Group's story

Mwanaidi, who is in her early thirties, is married with four children who go to school. Since 2000 she has been running a food vending business as well as selling khanga and vitenge (types of fabric) door to door. She works from 8:00 p.m. to midnight and is able to make a fair monthly profit.

Mwanaidi is requesting a 4,750,000 TZS loan from Tujijenge Tanzania, her eighth loan with the organization. She will share this loan with her loan group, Breakthrough, which has seventeen members who hold each other accountable for paying back their portions of the loan. Mwanaidi used her previous loan portions to increase her food stocks and to start selling khanga and vitenge. She has paid back all her loans successfully.

Mwanaidi wants to use her loan portion to buy more stocks of food so that she can sell to more people. Her dream is to one day be able to open and own a hotel.

In this group: Mwanaidi, Rehema, Tukae, Magreth, Kulwa, Sophia, Liliani, Mariam, Rosemary, Athuman, Ponsian, Beatrice, Shafi, Wenslaus, Fortunatha, Paulo, Josephina

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details