The CUADRITA DE MI BARRIO committee finds itself in the 11th cycle of the Mujeres Emprendedoras programme (Women Entrepreneurs). It has 17 members, all of whom are friends and neighbours in the city of Asuncion. They are hardworking and determined women who work day by day to provide the best for their families.
Juana tells us that she has worked as a seamstress for a long time now, through which she already has a good client base. This helps her to get ahead and to help her family. She describes herself as a very hardworking woman who pushes herself to the limit to be able to give her family everything they need for a decent life. She is asking for a loan to buy fabric, thread, buttons, closures and other items to be able to continue working and to meet the orders she has.
In this group: Ada Marina, Elizabeth, Juana, Silvina, María, María, Leopoldina, Yessica, Hortencia, Aida, Sulma, Nilsa, María, Irma, Claudina, Mabel, Lorenza
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Eleanor Brown. View original language description.