A loan helped a member to buy pig feed.

Nget's Group's story

Nget, 50, is married with five children. Three of her children are factory workers in Thailand. She earns a living through her pig raising business as the primary source of income while rice milling and working for pay are for extra income for her family. She has been in these businesses for 10 years.

This is the third loan for Nget's group and they successfully paid back the loans with VisionFund. The past two loans have helped her to earn more income for her family. Now, Nget and her group members are requesting a loan of KHR 1,000,000 each. As the leader, she will use the entire loan to buy pig feed. With this loan, she hopes to make a better living and gradually expand her businesses.

In this group: Nget, Nay

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details