A loan helped build a new greenhouse and buy seed, sheeting and fertilizer.

Nadezhda's story

Nadezhda lives with her husband and two children in Kamenka. She grows vegetables in a greenhouse for future wholesale. She owns 4 large greenhouses and another 2 in seedlings. She has been cultivating vegetables for 12 years now. She has invested around 100,000 hryvnia in the farm. The cost of seeds and sheeting cost up to 30,000 hryvnia a year.

Nadezhda plans to use a Kiva loan of 20,000 hryvnia to consistently grow her business and buy seeds, sheeting and fertilizers. She is setting up a new greenhouse and the whole process will cost 15,000 hryvnia. She wants to invest the remaining 5,000 hryvnia in purchasing seeds for tomato shrubs. Nadezhda would very much like to grow more in the upcoming season and with the ability to build a greenhouse, she will be able to grow an additional 1,000 tomato plants. Nadezhda dreams of buying another house for her children in her town and building another greenhouse in the future.

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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