A loan helped a member to buy goats and sheep.

Shabana's Group's story

Shabana has applied for a loan from KIVA partner Asasah for the improvement of her husband’s meat selling business. He will use this loan to buy goats and sheep in order to sell better quality meat and increase his income. He has been operating his business for many years and Shabana is confident that it will improve as a result of this investment.

Shabana also works to contribute financially to the family. She is a seamstress who sews clothes for her neighboring clients.She is greatly skilled in her work and receives regular orders every month. Shabana has 4 children, 2 of whom study while the others stay at home. She is a very positive woman and is confident that her husband will have great success in his business after this loan investment.

Note: In the photo, Shabana is holding a book (the Asasah Passbook).

In this group: Shabana, Salma, Yasmeen, Rashida, Nargis, Najma

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details