A loan helped to buy raw materials such as Indian fabrics, canvas, embroidery threads and sewing threads to increase production.

Rosa Dioselina's story

Rosa is 45 years old. She is a happy, supportive person who is especially responsible in her work. Rosa is married and has four children. She lives with her husband and two of her children in Ibarra, province of Imbabura, in the north of Ecuador.

Rosa works with two daughters and her employees making embroidered shirts. This is her fourth consecutive year requesting loans from Fodemi. This last loan will be invested in buying raw materials like: Indian fabrics, canvas, embroidery threads and sewing threads to increase production, as February is a prime season for selling. This process will help Rosa increase her sales and her income, which cover the costs and needs of her children, for example their education and nourishment.

Rosa's dream is to build a house to be able to set up a different type of business which would generate a higher income.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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