A loan helped to purchase fertilizer, insecticides and other farm supplies needed for his rice field.

Romeo's story

Due to hardships and lack of finances, Romeo wasn't able to continue his studies. Instead he became his father's helper in managing their rice field. Romeo is a responsible husband and father to his two children. He is thankful because his father taught him the farm techniques necessary for good production of rice.

Romeo has owned and operated his rice field for almost 20 years. He would like to perform his farm techniques properly in order to increase his yields this coming crop season. But he can't, due to shortage of capital. So, with his determination to obtain a higher profit, he is asking for a loan of PHP 20,000. He will be using the loan amount wisely, especially in buying fertilizer, insecticides and other farm supplies needed to improve his crop's growth. Romeo knows that his sacrifices will give him a fruitful outcome which will enable him to send his children to school and sustain all his family's needs.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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