A loan helped purchase more fuel.

Gabino's story

Gabino, 46, is a hard worker and a responsible father. He lives in his own house with his three beloved children. He wishes to offer them a good future. Gabino is dedicated to his fuel business and works hard because he wants to stand apart from the rest. All those who work in transportation go to him because they know he has good offers and gifts. He opens his business early in the morning and anyone can find him there at all times. The thing he likes most about his job is that he is able to build trust with his customers so he does not loose his clientele.
Gabino has been in this business for 12 yeas and he thinks the most difficult part is to stay awake till late. In time, he'd like to buy more fuel for his business and offer his clients a better service. This is his 11th loan with MFP and he is happy to know he will once more have this financial support. He is sure he will repay on time. He behaves with kindness and respect in his village bank. With the 2.500 nuevos soles he will buy fuel to provide a good service to his customers.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Carolina Zuniga.

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