A loan helped a member to buy cooking oil, spices etc for her husband's snack selling business.

Sajida's Group's story

Sajida is a very active lady and performs her household duties very well. She has applied for a loan for her husband’s business that sells snacks. He uses very good quality ingredients in his snacks and that is why the snacks sell so well and for a good price. Sajida helps her husband prepare snacks in her spare time.
With the loan investment, her husband will buy snack making ingredients such as spices and cooking oil in larger quantity that will allow him to make snacks of better taste and increase his sales and profits.
He has been operating his business for many years and Sajida is confident that an investment will bring positive changes to her husband’s business and increase his income.
Sajida is the mother of three children. She is only able to educate her eldest son who is in the 2nd grade. She is hopeful that by improving her husband’s business, she will be able to provide education to her remaining children.
Note:"In the photo, the lady holding a book (Called Asasah Passbook) is Sajida."

In this group: Sajida, Halima, Asghari, Nazeeran, Zarina, Sughran, Nazeeran

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