A loan helped to purchase more merchandise and diversify her range of products.

Vafa's story

Vafa is a 37-year-old woman, married with one adorable daughter. She is a market vendor and sells cosmetics and deodorants, perfume, soap, shampoo and souvenirs. She has four years of experience in this field, which qualifies her as a knowledgeable and skilled person.

The products she sells are very popular among women. Vafa is always friendly and polite with her customers which make her business successful. Her monthly profit is 230 Azerbaijani manats (AZN). As this business is their only financial source, Vafa's husband helps her with the business.

Vafa would like to expand her business and purchase more merchandise to diversify the range of products she sells. For this purpose, she applied for a 1000 AZN loan. She promises to pay back on time.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details