A loan helped to purchase basic grains, sweets, seasonings and instant products.

María Alicia's story

María Alicia, who is forty-five years old, lives with her three children in her own home. She has a small business selling food and a store where she sells basic needs products. Lately she has had a lot of customers because her business always has what people need. She sells products of excellent quality at affordable prices. In addition, the service is unbeatable. María is a woman who is dedicated to her work and has big plans for the future. She wants to stay ahead of the competition and to see her business grow. She thinks that the greatest glory in a person is not never falling but rather always staying on the path that leads to success. With this in mind, María made the decision to request a loan from INTERGRAL that will enable her to purchase basic grains, sweets, seasonings, instant products and supplies for the food she makes. María Alicia is confident that this is the way to give her family a better quality of life.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Marni Siegal.

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