Cica Célestine is 52 years old and lives in Bénin. Cica Célestine did not go to school. Cica Célestine does not live with her husband anymore. Cica Célestine is mother to one child who goes to school and is no longer under her care. Cica Célestine lives alone.
To take care of her diverse needs, Cica Célestine has been selling fabric, kitchen utensils and shoes by the distribution system for seventeen years. Cica Célestine gets her supplies in a market of Bénin and in Lomé. Thanks to the income that this business generates, Cica Célestine contributes to the different expenses of her family.
To satisfy the needs of her increasingly growing clientèle, Cica Célestine is requesting a fourth loan from ALIDé. The first three loans were well repaid.
Translated from French by Kiva volunteer anonymized. View original language description.