A loan helped a member to buy raw materials such as pottery, paint and other products, for making handicrafts.

Mujeres Responsables Group's story

The 'Mujeres Responsables' (Responsible Women) community bank is a group of entrepreneurial women who have worked hard to achieve their dreams of having a way of making income for their families. This bank has ten members who are all from the same town. They all know each other and all have goals and aims in life. Each one of the members provides a different service but they all share the aim of providing their customers with a good service.

Nora is the group's president and her business is making handicrafts. She has years of experience in this line of work. She learned the business from direct experience as her mom taught her. Now she, in turn, is passing on the knowledge to her children who are in her care and work with her in order to get ahead in life. Nora is requesting this loan to buy raw materials such as pottery, paint and other products for making handicrafts. All the members of the group are requesting the loan to stock up with raw materials.

In this group: Celica Lucia, Josefa Maria, Maria Del Carmen, Nora Janixia, Celica Maria, Carls Argentina, Noreli Marbely, Narcisa Del Rosario, Jose Antonio, Rosa Aida

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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