Saney is 50 years old, a widow, who raised six children. In search of an additional source of income for her family, she started her own animal husbandry and farming business five years ago, with an initial sum of 20,000 som (KGS). Today, her farm has five heads of cattle, allowing her to earn about 5,000 som (KGS) per month from the sales of milk and dairy products. Saney also works on 3.5 hectares of arable land, where she grows beans. In order to further develop her business, Saney requested a loan in the sum of 60,000 som (KGS) from the "Bai-Tushum and Partners" company to purchase additional heads of livestock. In the future, Saney wants to grow her farm and expand her business.
Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Anna Sorokina-Hailey. View original language description.