A loan helped a member to pay school/college fees for his children.

Alie A.'s Group's story

Pictured above are teachers from one of the primary schools in a village close to Makeni City, in Northern Sierra Leone. This group of teachers has come to SMT, a partner of Kiva.org, for a loan of 20,300,000 SLL in order to meet their immediate financial challenges.

At the end of each month, they use their monthly salaries to repay the loan. Their school’s bursar is directly responsible for doing the deductions and repayment on their behalf.

Alie (who is pictured on the left) is the leader of this group of teachers. Born fifty-eight years ago in the village of Masongbo, this husband and father of ten children has served in the teaching profession for thirty-eight years now. His wife is a teacher, too, and his children are attending primary, secondary, and tertiary institutions.

Alie has requested this loan in order to pay school/college fees for his children.

In this group: Alie A. , Mary , Edward R., Albert C. , Cecilia F. , Joseph Rinno, Santigie D, Abu- Bakarr, Joseph B., Jane K. , Mohamed G, Theresa K.

Loan details

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