A loan helped to purchase better equipment and stationery that he reckons will enhance his graphic art pieces.

Bernard's story

So runs the tale that adversity invariably borrows its sharpest sting from our impatience.
39 year old Bernard says he has borne witness to the unraveling of a friend's business, principally brought to pass by a hasty desire for profits in the short term.
8 years ago as Bernard set forth, he decided he would steer clear of the mistakes most of his contemporaries had made, especially those bearing a hand in similar business ventures, namely the arts.
This happily married father of 5 specializes in graphic arts, which are drawing, engraving, painting and print making. He also makes traditional beads and stamps.
He says this business generates him monthly sales profits equivalent to 300,000 UGX.
Farming is his auxiliary business.
He is hoping he can be in a position to expand, once he puts this loan to better use.
He plans on purchasing better equipment and stationery that he reckons will enhance his graphic art pieces.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details