Melchora is a member of the communal bank "Buena Suerte." She is 65 years old, and is the mother of 3 children. She has a business selling handicrafts in the city of Cusco. She has been a member of FINCA for 14 years, and she always invests the loans she takes in her business. She feels very grateful to Morenita (the founder of FINCA Peru), because he taught her to invest her money well, to save, to manage her business and to be punctual and responsible with the money and with her family. Melchora enjoys the talks that are given at each meeting. She is requesting a loan to invest in the purchase of sheep's wool for her handicrafts. Her goal is to continue to grow so that that she can support her children.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Lisa Grobar. View original language description.