A loan helped buying food crops for cultivation (pepper and okra).

Estelle's story

Estelle is 41 years old and is married to a farmer named Vincent. The couple has five children, some of whom attend school while all are their dependents. Estelle did not attend school herself. She lives together with her ​​husband and children, and the couple shares responsibility for the various family expenditures.

To provide for her needs and those of her family over the past 15 years, Estelle has been growing crops of peppers and okra and selling them at a market in Benin. Alongside this activity, Estelle also sells various items.

Estelle conducts her business activities in the surrounding region. In order to strengthen her activity and better serve her customers, Estelle is requesting a fifth credit loan from ALIDé. Her ambition is to increase the level of her activity. The four previous loans granted to Estelle have been repaid in full..

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer René McConnell.

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