Julia is a member of the “VIRGEN CONCEBIDA D. ARIN” communal bank, located in the Arin district, part of the Calca province and Cusco department.
Julia is 62 years old, is a widow and has eight children. She has a small house, located in the rural zone of the Valle Sagrado valley of the Incas, within the Arin community, located 15 minutes from the Calca province, and 45 minutes from Cusco. These zones are known for their agriculture, livestock, and tourism.
Julia mainly raises small animals, such as chickens and pigs, fattens them up and then sells them to her customers. She also makes yellow corn chicha (a fermented drink maD. from corn) through a fermentation process that renders the well-known and delicious chicha, with a considerable nutritional value.
She is asking for this loan to buy small animals and yellow corn to make chicha.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized. View original language description.