A loan helped to purchase more stock such as rice, cooking oil, sugar, wheat flour, etc.

Siti's story

Siti is a 57-year-old lady who is married to Mulyono, 57 years old. They are blessed with three children namely: Rony, 31; Arif, 29, both married; and Surya, 27.

Siti has been running a kiosk for six years using her own capital. She sells daily necessities such as detergent, bath soap, brooms, wheat flour, cigarettes, candies, etc. In addition to running a kiosk, Siti and Mulyono also have a rented room business that enables her to generate more income for her family’s living.

Siti is planning to improve her kiosk by adding more stock needed. She is requesting a loan of IDR 4,500,000 from TLM. She would like to purchase more stock such as rice, cooking oil, sugar, wheat flour, etc. for her kiosk.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details