Sulmi belongs to the communal bank "Pachacutec II" in the La Banda de Shilcayo district in the province and department of San Martin. She is 32, lives with a partner, and has 2 children aged 12 and 7 who are in middle and elementary school.
When she joined the communal bank, she started up her own business selling grilled meat at the front of her house with capital of 300 Peruvian soles. But she stopped doing that because of health problems, and she decided to sell bed sheets and hand-made shoes that her husband brings her from his travels. In addition, she buys and sells second hand appliances, and in this way she has been generating income for her household. Her husband works for a public institution, and he helps her to get regular customers. Now she sells to regular customers and individuals.
With this loan of 1,200 Peruvian soles, she will buy bed sheets and shoes to satisfy the demands of her customers during the Christmas season.
Sulmi is a hardworking woman who has a dream of saving money in order to have farms where she could cultivate cocoa, process the beans and make chocolate.
She thanks the Movimiento Manuela Ramos organization for providing opportunities to women like herself to generate their own income, and for promoting a culture of saving so that they can make their dreams a reality.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Lisa Grobar. View original language description.