A loan helped to buy ingredients such as flour, butter and sugar to prepare bread.

Claudio's story

Introducing Claudio, a member of the “Llancasun de Arin” Communal Bank, which is located in Calca, a district of the Calca province in the Cusco department.

Claudio is 38 years old, he lives with his life partner and he has 2 children. He alternates his daily chores with his activity as a baker. He prepares bread and then distributes it to the different shops of the Calca district. Thanks to this activity he provides for his children. He wants to expand his bakery, and he is requesting a loan to buy ingredients such as flour, butter and sugar to prepare bread.

He is happy about the loan and he commits to complying with the repayment of his dues.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Emanuela Villa.

Loan details

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