Greetings from Savana Jitegemee Group in Western Kenya!
Hellen takes care of six children at home. She joined One Acre Fund in order to access fertilizer and hybrid seeds and ensure food security for her family. In the recent 2011 season, Hellen had an excellent maize yield harvesting 24 bags on one acre of land. Before joining One Ace Fund, Hellen was only able to harvest 16 bags of maize on one acre of land. With income from maize sales, Hellen will educate her children and invest in livestock rearing.
Hellen is the facilitator of the Savana Jitegemee group. This group joined One Acre Fund in the year 2011 and will re-enroll in the 2012 program. In 2012, the members of Savana Jitegemee group will each plant between ½ and 1 acre of maize.
With this loan, One Acre Fund will purchase fertilizer, seeds, and other important inputs to distribute to Hellen and her group during Kenya’s next planting season in February 2012. The distribution of farming inputs is part of One Acre Fund’s integrated agriculture package, which includes training, reliable input supply (such as fertilizer and seeds), credit and insurance.
In this group: Alice, Hellen, Joseph, Susan