Cayo is a hard-working and responsible man. He is 35 and lives with Elizabeth, age 31. They live in their own home with their two beloved children, Soledad and Adriel, who are the motivation behind all their hard work. Cayo works in agriculture. He cultivates cocoa and coffee on his small farm. These products are always snatched up by the wholesalers in Santa Rosa; they know that his crops are always good quality.
What he most enjoys about his job is working the land with his wife's help. They do it with great gusto. Cayo has done this work for 12 years, so he is considered to be one of the best farmers in his village. He finds that his greatest challenge is protecting his crops against the pests that attack them.
With the requested loan, he plans to improve his home. He will purchase materials for finishing his home, such as cement and sand to finish working on his home and offer his family better well-being. This will be his fifth loan with MFP, so he hopes for your collaboration to help him achieve his goal. He promises to repay his quotas. With the 1,500 nuevos soles, he will be able to buy materials to finish working on his house, such as cement, sand, and other items.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Christine Cooper. View original language description.