A loan helped a member to buy fruit for making juices and fruit drinks to sell.

Las Mesas Group's story

Guadalupe is 43 years old, married, and has 3 children, all of them students. Esteban is in his 3rd year of secondary; Gloria is in the 4th grade of primary; and Daniel is in the 2nd grade of primary. Her husband Esteban is a farm worker.

Guadalupe sells fruit juices including orange, beet, etc., and she will invest her loan in buying the supplies she needs to make juices and fruit drinks like orange, beet, carrot, plantain, etc. She says that the loan will help to pay the school expenses of her children. Guadalupe would like to see her store expand a little more, and she wants to construct a stall where she could sell her drinks.

Guadalupe belongs to the Las Mesas Group, composed of 10 women: Adoracion, Lourdes, Manuela, Norma, Austreberta, Humbelina, Magdalena, Ines, Vicenta [and Guadalupe]. Each of them has her own commercial business, selling things like costume jewelry, 'pozole' (a popular stew using hominy), games, sandals, shell fish, and accessories like caps, belts, hats, etc.

In this group: Manuela, Adoracion, Lourdes, Norma, Humbelina, Guadalupe, Vicenta, Magdalena, Austreberta, Ines

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Harold Dana Sims, PhD.

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