A loan helped to buy sacks of fertilizer.

Maura's story

Maura, 43, has lived with Agustín, 49, for 25 years. They have four children, of which only two (their 20 and 18 year old) live with them. This family lives in their own home in the district of Unión. Maura is a crop farmer and grows vegetables such as rue, oregano and camomille which are plants that do not require much care, investment or time. She explains, "My business is constant when my crops are fully grown, I have to cut them, bind them in small packets and sell them for 0.50 cents each." She says that raising this type of vegetable is easier because it grows, is cut, and grows again without having to spend money on fertilizer or workers to plough and clear the land, etc. Previously these were issues that one constantly had to worry about. Also, the income she earns makes it profitable since she has customers in the city of Lima where she travels constantly. There she sells three packages of rue or camomille for 2 PEN, twice the price that she gets in Tarma. The advantage is that the plants grow quickly and are harvested in large quantities. In the future she hopes to buy or build a house in the city of Tarma where she and her husband can live since her children will have their own families. Through your help Maura will have access to her second loan through the MFP. She is grateful for the confidence shown in her and is committed to paying back the loan on time. She belongs to the communal bank "Los Ángles de la Unión 2", where she is happy to be a member and feels comfortable. Maura plans to use the loan to buy sacks of fertilizer for 118 PEN each to treat the land where she grows spinach, peas and oregano for the December and January season.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Sherry Bess.

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