A loan helped to buy more bags of sweet potatoes, Irish potatoes, and cassava.

Irene's story

Irene lives in Kampala, Uganda. She is married with 5 children who all go to school. She takes care of an additional family member (her sister's child). Irene owns a food stall at the market on a retail basis. She works 6 days a week and has been in business for the last 10 years. She has requested a loan of 500,000 UGX from MCDT SACCO to buy more sweet potatoes, Irish potatoes, and cassava. Her major business challenges are transportation and seasonality. Her goals and aspirations are to become a wholesaler and also to build rental houses. She lives in a rented house and the family has access to electricity and piped water. Her major monthly expenses are school fees and rent.

Loan details

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Loan details