A loan helped to buy merchandise: clothing and shoes.

Haydee De Jesús's story

Haydee de Jesús is a merchant who sells traditional Nicaraguan clothing in two stores in the municipal market. This is how she earns the income she uses to support her household. She attends to one of the stores, along with a girl who helps her, and the other store is run by her daughter and an assistant. She is a single mother who has struggled to obtain the means to provide for her family's welfare. She will use this loan to invest in her shoe and clothing business. She needs to invest in products for the upcoming Christmas season. She mentions that the previous loans that she has taken with CEPRODEL have helped her a lot, since before she only had one store and now she has two stores that are well stocked with a variety of clothing.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Lisa Grobar.

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