A loan helped to purchase merchandise such as shoes and clothing.

Martha Maritza's story

Martha, age 53, lives with her family in an urban, residential community in the Hatillo district. However, there is increasing business activity concentrated primarily in commercial centers. Here there are located a number of furniture stores, tortilla makers, bakeries, book stores, mechanics’ and automotive shops, gas stations, dental clinics, pharmacies, medical offices, bars, restaurants, shops, and printers.

Martha began her business a few months ago in order to help with household expenses. She has had a good start and has seen good results in her community, and her neighbors have said that they are pleased with the products she offers.

This is why Martha is applying for a loan of 500,000 colones to purchase merchandise that her customers will like, such as shoes and clothing. This will allow her to have more customers and have greater opportunities to earn income so that her family can get ahead.

Martha is a member of the Hatillo communal bank. This is one of EDESA’s 150 communal banks in Costa Rica. This is her second loan through her communal bank, and she is thankful for all the help that has been offered to her.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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