A loan helped to maintain coffee fields, purchase supplies and fertilizers, and cover labor costs.

Santos Gumercindo's story

Santos, a fifty one year old farmer who is married and has four children, is from Jinotega, the City of Mists, which is known for its freezing temperatures and fertile soil for cultivation, and is located north of the Department of Estelí. Despite having a low level of schooling, only completing second grade in primary school, Santos has gotten ahead as a farmer. He cultivates coffee and has a small general store taken care of by his wife. He started working as a farmer at the age of ten helping his uncle. He is very grateful for his uncle since he took charge of him after his parents died when he was thirteen. When he married he became independent from his uncle, and thanks to hard work and effort, he managed to have his own house. One of his sources of happiness is that of his four children, two of them are professionals with college degrees. It was not easy for him, but every sacrifice for his children is worth the effort.
He needs the loan to maintain his coffee fields, purchase supplies and fertilizers, and cover labor costs. With this investment, he wants to yield an abundant harvest of quality organic coffee. His expectations are to increase the fields where he cultivates coffee and basic grains. His future plans include planting several acres of beans, but his next goal is to finish preparing his other children to go to college.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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