Causiku is a businesswoman of 57 who lives in Quartier Buyenzi in Bujumbura. She has been selling tomatoes since the age of 15. She never attended school. She is a widow with three children of whom two are enrolled in school.
The Kiva loan of 360,000 Burundi francs that she is receiving will permit her to grow her working capital so as to buy large quantities of tomatoes for resale so that she can make a lot of profit.
Causiku is a member of the community group called "HURUMA 1".
In this group: Machozi, Sophia, Saleh, Christine, Belyse, Ramadhani, Aza, Mwamvua, Causiku, Emmanuel, Ramadhani, Emelyne, Solange

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Teresa Kramer. View original language description.