Sra. Julia is 47 years old and married to Sr. Andrés, age 54. Both of them are natives of the city of Tobatí. They have three children (ages 25, 19, and 10).
Julia sells beverages of all types such as beer, sodas, wines, and other products. She has a store in her home, which is next to a volleyball court. Julia is well-known in her neighborhood for providing good service and her friendliness. She says that her store generates a good income, especially on the weekends when most of her customers visit. For this reason, she wants to continue investing her business.
The loan she requested will be used to buy beverages such as beer, whiskey, and other products so that she can restock her business and satisfy the demands of her customers.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica. View original language description.