A loan helped a member to buy confectionery, pastries, sodas, etc.

Rosas Lindas Group's story

The communal bank “ROSAS LINDAS” ("Beautiful Roses") is starting their first cycle with Pro Mujer as part of the Juan Pablo Center. The group is made up of eight members, and is led by a board of directors headed by Señora Maribel. The members of the communal bank are progressing various businesses, including DVD sales, sweater sales, stuffed chilli pepper sales, hot dog and fries sales, confectionery sales, shoe sales, and a butcher shop.

Señora Maribel tells that she joined Pro Mujer five years ago at the invitation of the promoter and her neighbors. She currently has a business which is a neighborhood store; she has been working here for years.

The loan that she is now looking for is to expand her merchandise (purchase confectionery, pastries, sodas, etc.) which she will purchase at the markets and later sell at her sales location. This form of work will allow her to generate income to support her family as much as possible, as she is divorced and has two children.

When asked what she likes about Pro Mujer, she replies that she enjoys sharing the trainings on health and loans with her group.

In this group: Gladys, Anselma , Yovanna , Tania, Ana Maria , Jenny, Mary , Maribel

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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