A loan helped to buy more rice, beans, sugar, soap, among other things to stock her store.

Gladis Humbertina's story

Señora Gladis is 37 years old, married with 2 children.

She has been working for 2 years managing her own store as her husband's income was not sufficient to cover the household expenses. They also identified the place where they live as a good location to set up the business because most of the products can be dropped off at their house by the suppliers as it has good access and the few other things she needs, she buys at the nearest town. In fact Gladis has known how to manage the store and everyhing is going well.

Señora Gladis is asking Fundación Campo for a loan in order to stock her store more by purchasing dry grains, rice, beans, sugar, coffee, soap, among other products and in this way meet the demands of the comunity. She believes that the greatest need is for working capital to invest in and further expand the business.

With the loan, Gladis will be able to implement her projects and obtain a better income with which to offer her children a better future. She wishes that God gives her good health and strength so as to get ahead and grow her business and fulfill her obligations with the Fundacion Campo so as to keep the doors open and later do more.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Maria Blyth.

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