A loan helped to buy sheep cotton to expand her business.

Hana's story

Hana is a 47-year-old single woman. She has had a business weaving carpets for 25 years. Hana is a hard working woman, with a very good reputation and remarkable handmade carpets. She uses an old traditional cotton weaving loom to produce special rugs and carpets by request of several loyal clients who value her production.

Hana is a very responsible person. Although she's not married, she is responsible of taking care of her brother's children, because his business is not going on fine. That's why she applied for a loan from Al Majmoua-Kiva partner -- to buy necessary sheep cotton to expand her business to cover the childrens' school fees and normal life requests.

What makes Hana's business unique is the tool she uses to produce these special carpets, since people working on such looms are very rare these days; almost vanished. Hana hopes to expand her business and develop it in the future, by teaching a few others this profession and opening and starting a small, professional business.

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