A loan helped a member to purchase more clothes, fabrics, and sarongs.

Riziki Group's story

Rosemary is in her mid 30s, married, and has one child who attends school. She has been selling clothes, fabrics, and sarongs for five years.

Rosemary is requesting her fourth loan from Tujijenge Tanzania, which she will use to buy more clothes, fabrics, and sarongs. She used the previous loans to increase her clothing sales and take her mother to the hospital. Rosemary has paid back all her loans successfully. Her dream is to one day buy land.

Rosemary will share this loan with her loan group Riziki, which has 15 members who will hold each other accountable for paying back their loans.

In this group: Rosemary, Elicy, Rashid, Salome, Salwience, Mwajabu, Helena, Witness, Seleman, Tatu, Leila, Mwashari, Paulina, Sophia, Joyce

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details