María is the coordinator of the Grupo Amor y Paz 1 (Love and Peace Group 1) and lives in the city of Santiago, the 2nd largest city in population and in economic activities in the county. Thanks to that many residents have access to the wholesale market. Also it is close to the market bordering Haiti, where many clients and members of this group buy their products.
María has an upholstery and carpentry shop making furniture for sale, and deals in used furniture and also in repairs and reupholstering furniture. María began her business around 11 years ago, with her own resources. She is asking for her 5th loan with Esperanza in order to buy fabric for upholstery and wood. With this investment she plans to make various sets of furniture and sell them in the following months, close to Christmas.
María is the mother of 4 children, who have been brought up together, with her partner and father of her children, all of them living still in their humble home, working together with their parents, while others attend school. The most important challenge that María has right now to have another workshop, with more space and new machinery, in order to expand her business to a higher level and gain more clients.
One of her dreams is to have a well built, more comfortable and secure house. María is grateful for the great help you have given them, because each and every step brings them closer to achieving their dreams and goals.
In this group: Maria, Ysmael, Eridania, Antonia, Sagrario

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Gail LeGrand. View original language description.