Teodosia, age 43, lives with her husband Isaías. Together they have 6 children, but they live with only 5 of them in their own house, located in the native community of Sanchirio del Palomar (in the central Peruvian jungle). She is a hard-working woman, and she has worked in farming for 9 years. Her main crops are coffee, avocados and plantains. However, according to Teodosia, coffee is her main source of economic support. She reports that the price of coffee beans rose this year, from 8 Peruvian soles to 12 soles per kilo. Her 4 hectares of farmland produce good beans, and because of this she is seeking other markets where she can receive higher prices for her production. She has now started to travel once a month to the city of Tarma, where she sells to a woman named Gladys, who is a wholesale merchant. For this reason, she wants to travel to the capital to sell her products. There, she hopes to receive better sales proposals, and this will allow her to expand her agricultural lands. This will let her focus on improving her crops mO. effectively, because not having one's own land makes it difficult. She belongs to the "Buenos Aires" communal bank, and this is her second loan with MFP. She is confident that with the help of all of you and the association, she will be able to reach her goals. For this reason, she promises to be punctual with her payments. When she receives this support, Teodosia will invest the funds she is requesting in buying natural fertilizers to spread on her coffee fields, and thus get ready for the next season.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized. View original language description.