A loan helped to buy feed and additional ducks to raise in their village.

Magdalena's story

Despite the hardships of life, Magdalena wants to improve their standard of living to give their children a better life. She is now 51 years old and has four adult children. They live happily in a village planting and and harvesting rice and vegetables for sale. She is also engages in duck raising to generate additional income. They work hard and endure hardships for they want their children to finish their studies and earn a degree. As a fruit of their patience and hard work, most of their children have become professionals and have a good job.

Despite of this, Magdalena wants to continue her duck raising business to earn and save for their future. Due to inadequate capital, she wants to ask for a loan of P15,000 to buy feed and additional ducks to raise in their village. She hopes that through this loan, she will be able to raise more ducks that lay eggs for sale.

Loan details

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Loan details