A loan helped a member to buy a grinding machine and salt.

Razia's Group's story

To share the financial burden with her husband, Razia, a mother of five children who are all attending school, is a seamstress who sews clothes with perfect measurement, and her clients admire her for her quality of work. Her husband has a salt-selling business and also offers spice-grinding services to his customers, most of whom are grocery shop owners whose spices he grinds to meet the needs of their customers. Razia supports her husband in her spare time by operating the grinding machine.

Razia is requesting a loan from Kiva partner Asasah for her husband’s business. With the loan, he will buy both another grinding machine and salt to provide better services to his customers and increase his income. He has been operating his business for the past five years, and Razia is confident that the loan investment will improve it further.

In this group: Razia, Samreen Bibi, Shakila Bibi, Irshad Akhtar, Mukhtaran Bibi, Sajida Parveen, Abida Bibi, Amna Bibi

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