A loan helped to purchase an air compressor.

Jonas's story

Señor Jonas lives in the Plan 3000 neighborhood in the family home with his wife and his son. He makes his living in public transportation, using his own vehicle. He also sells spare auto parts in his home. He has 4 years of experience in public transportation.

The loan that he is requesting is for the purchase of an air compressor, as he is also opening a mechanic shop. Señor Jonas is a hardworking man who, through much effort, purchased a car so that he could work at night. During the day, he handles his spare parts sales with the support of his wife. He will purchase an air compressor with the money from the loan. He is a very hardworking person with desires to succeed in order to improve the quality of life for himself and for his whole family.

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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