19-year-old Rocío lives with her mom and her 6 siblings who she loves and is fond of. They live together in the town of San Pedro de Cajas. This young lady is talented and has a good future ahead of her.
Rocío is currently studying at the Institute of Fine Arts in her town where she is learning to paint beautiful pictures. She has art in her blood as her family are craftspeople. She tells us that she has two years left until she finishes her studies but she already paints beautiful oil paintings which she sells for a good price. In addition, she also embroiders costumes, skirts and tablecloths. She has been working in her own business for two years. She says that it is doing very well and that she has more and more orders every day. Now she would like to work very hard in order to expand her business and get together the money she needs to study for a degree in cookery as this is another of her dreams. She also wants to develop her skills in the art of drawing.
Rocío belongs to the 'Telarmachay' community bank and this is her second loan from MFP. She is certain that she will manage to achieve her goals and she pledges to make her loan repayments on time. With your support, Rocío will invest the money she has requested in buying fabric, colored threads, lace and other accessories to make 25 costumes that she has orders for.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized. View original language description.