A loan helped to buy to cows to fatten.

Julia's story

Julia is a member of the “Las Estrellitas Unidas del Titicaca” (The United Little Stars of Titicaca) Communal Bank. It is located in the central village of Chipana, Pilcuyo district, El Collao province, Puno department.

She is 48 years old, married, and has two children. One of them is independent. She did not complete elementary school. She buys and sells animals like cows and pigs.

She has been working with the Movimiento Manuela Ramos for four years. She used her previous loan for 500 soles to buy some animals. With this new loan for 3,000 soles she will buy two cows to fatten for six months. Then she will sell them in Ilave and Pilcuyo. This way she will generate more earnings. She tells us that she works together with her husband.

Her dream is to improve the animals in order to sell them for a good price and to have better income.

What she likes about her communal bank are the meetings and what she gains from savings.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ginny Kalish.

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