A loan helped to purchase a washing machine.

Raquel's story

Raquel is a young 24-year-old woman. She lives with her mother in their own home. For four years she has provided a laundry service. Her mother taught her this work and they used to wash a lot of laundry, but with the passing of time her health deteriorated. So, Raquel decided to buy herself a washing machine. It has allowed her business to keep afloat, and thanks to this piece of equipment she can offer a laundry service and save time and energy, and be better equipped in order to continue offering a quality service. Her laundry service is in such high demand that she is in great need of another washing machine. She considers the group loans in which she has taken part through MFP to be some of the best decisions she has made to improve her business, and for this reason she will continue working with them, taking out her tenth loan, because she considers these loans to be very necessary for the development of her business. She will invest the requested loan in the purchase of a higher capacity washing machine.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Christine Cooper.

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