Benita is single, 43 years old, and has an 11 year old daughter who's studying in school.
Previously she was an employee at a supermarket. Thanks to her previous jobs and the savings she saved up, she opened her own store in the market. Afterwards she changed areas, making a living buying and selling new and used clothing, which she currently does. She relies on several customers that regularly buy the clothing she sells.
She would like to continue growing in the commercial area as she considers herself a very entrepreneurial woman with a yearning to get ahead. She would like her daughter to complete her studies as she couldn't study since she was a single mother and would like her business to be able to expand.
She is requesting the loan to purchase winter clothing with which to supply her merchandise stock. She is happy for the opportunity that the Fundación has given her.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized. View original language description.