A loan helped to buy San Mig Light beer and soft drinks to sell in her sari-sari store.

Eulalia's story

Eulalia is married to a patient and hardworking farmer who is the father of their two children. They are both helping each other to sustain their family's needs. She describes herself as a small but loving wife and mother.

Eulalia manages her sari-sari store where she sells vinegar, soy sauce, catsup, noodles, coffee, sugar and bread. She also sells various snacks like pancakes and juice in their village’s school canteen.

According to Eulalia, through the income generated from her business she had been able to give weekly allowances to her children in school. She is happy now that her two children have graduated from college and are looking for work suitable to their degrees.

Eulalia wishes for a loan of 15,000 PHP to buy San Mig Light beer and soft drinks to sell in her sari-sari store. Her goal is to repair her house which was damaged in the previous typhoon.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details