A loan helped to pay for materials and labor in order to replace the roof of his house.

Carlos Jose's story

Don Carlos works as a taxi driver. He is married and the father of three school-age children. His wife works for a market that is owned by a private company.

His goal is to build his house. He is currently in the process of building a room, a bathroom, and replacing the roof since it is in very bad shape. All of these improvements have been made with loans from AFODENIC. Carlos has received seven loans while working with the organization. The loans have made it possible for him to equalize his expenses, feed his family, and pay for the education and clothing of his children.

Carlos plans to buy materials such as sheets of zinc, crossbeams, screws, welding supplies, as well as pay for labor.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

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