A loan helped a member to purchase more layer hens, chicken mash, and use the rest of the loan to pay fees for her kids.

Ssuubi Development Association Group's story

From the very beginning, 50-year-old Mary stressed to her workers the need for diligence if her poultry business was to have good prospects. She wanted her business to be reckoned among the best in the metropolis of Kampala. Once she zeroed in on what gives this genre of business a vantage point, she went to every length to see to it that she purchases more bags of chicken mash, medicine and layer chickens.

That was her way of making a statement that she was in for the long haul and that she wanted to make quick headway. Though her journey from the start was fraught with many challenges like the lack of financing for the purchase of more chickens, she nevertheless obtained a footing.

The way she has organised and planned for her business the last 10 years bears all the hallmarks of success.

Mary is to all appearances a buoyant and assiduous lady. She is happily married with eight high-spirited kids. She says the inspiration before she took root in this business came from her close friends.

On the side, she ekes out additional income from two other businesses--bricks sales and rentals.

This Kiva loan, Mary says, will be used to purchase more layer chickens and chicken mash and she says she will use the rest to pay fees for her kids.

In this group: Mary, Allen, Margret, Halima, Grace, Sylvia, Tubira, Mariam, Dan, Sarah, Dorothy, Florence, Daisy, Sarah, Betty, Betty

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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