Uulkan is a 46-year-old farmer who lives in the village of Boz - Karagan. She is married and has raised seven children, the youngest of whom is 17 years old. Uulkan's work in animal husbandry is a tradition, since her family has been farming for several generations. Now on her small farm, Uulkan has two cows, fifteen sheep and three horses. In summer, Uulkan makes about 18,000 Som (KGS) from selling meat and dairy products.
In order to further expand her business, Uulkan contacted Bai - Tushum and Partners for a loan of 130,000 som (KGS). With the money, she intends to purchase twelve calves and cattle to send to summer grazing in the highlands. In the future, Uulkan plans to develop and expand her business.
Bai-Tushum and Partners uses Kiva funding to target the especially vulnerable population. Bai-Tushum and Partners is one of the leading Microfinance Institutions in Kyrgyzstan. As a reliable financial partner, Bai-Tushum contributes to the economic development of the Kyrgyz Republic through the delivery of microfinance services in rural and urban areas that lead to increased employment and meet the interests of its clients and investors.
Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Melissa Kniazeva. View original language description.